
2023 Annual Report

As tradition the Ward of Cheap team – Alderman Robert Hughes-Penney, and Common Councillors Alastair Moss, Nick Bensted-Smith and Tijs Broeke – have prepared a short summary of our work as a team over the last year. It’s an honour to represent the Ward of Cheap and to work together as a united team of active local representatives.

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Working hard to deliver

As many people in the City are preparing for their summer break we wanted to give you an update on our work as your elected representatives over the last 6 months, how we are helping to accelerate the City’s recovery and ensure the Square Mile to remain internationally competitive and locally vibrant. 

Over the last few months we have worked hard to prioritise policing to tackle anti social behaviour and set up a rapid cycling squad, continue to shape the public realm with approval of a new square next to the old BT centre, and the promotion of the City of London as a great place to do business, visit or live.

Successful Wardmote

On 20 March City workers and residents in the Ward of Cheap came together for the annual Wardmote – a historic meeing of citizens in the City of London. This was a chance for the local team of Common Councillors to give an update on our teamwork to keep the City and Cheap safe, vibrant and competitive. Local businesses, City workers and residents asked a wide range of questions from support for homeless people, to cycling, SMEs and how we can revitalise Cheapside. Great turn out and good to see wider community – including members of the Ward of Cheap Club participating.

Wardmote to take place on 20 March 2024

It’s an honour to represent the Ward of Cheap and to work together as a united team of active local representatives. We look forward meeting City workers, businesses and residents on 20 March at 1pm at our Wardmote – an ancient meeting of citizens in the City of London to explain what we have done over the past 12 months to help accelerate economic growth and ensure the Square Mile remains internationally competitive and locally vibrant. 

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Consultation on new square at King Edward Street

The City of London Corporation is working on designs to transform the streets on the 1970’s St Paul’s gyratory. The project area stretches from the Museum of London roundabout to St Paul’s underground station and is characterised by wide, vehicle-dominated highways, including King Edward Street, St Martin’s Le Grand and Newgate Street. The intention is to make these streets safer for pedestrians and cyclists and create a greener, more pleasant environment.

Please give us your views on the proposals until Friday 29 September by completing our brief online survey (external link).